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True Pathways

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A journey to find:

(John 14:6)

 “the way, and the truth, and the life.”

True Pathways is an online Christian ministry dedicated to seeking the truth of God’s Word (The Bible) and of all reality and proclaiming that truth to all, as well as exploring many Biblical and Christian topics along the way. Specifically, this site is a collection of my (the author’s) personal sincere study, research, and revelation on Biblical truths and the truths of reality: originally done to really find out the truth for myself in a logical way.

 This site is for Christians as well as non-Christians, who desire to learn the truth, to explore; however, if you are a non-Christian newcomer who has gained and interest or want to know more about the Bible, then I would love for you to check out a special introduction to the Bible and explanation to what it’s all about and what that means for you. Also, If you're wondering what makes Christianity the right way to live and what makes the Bible and what it says so true then check out this beginning article/section detailing why the author [Me] along with many others have found The Bible/Christianity to be true in a logical way. If you’re already a Christian and newcomer to this site, then feel free to check out the Christian life section dealing with how to Biblically live a Christian life. Also feel from to use the site menu above to explore the site at your leisure.

Enjoy looking through this website and especially receiving the truth that has the power to change your life.


This ministry is a work in progress: That means this site will be having changes often in the form of new articles [New articles will have 'New' in brackets in front of them], article changes [articles that have changes in their content will have 'Updated' in brackets], and even possibly changes in the site's appearance. So, if you're interested in learning from this ministry check back often, also the content in articles themselves might change as I [the author] finds out certain things I once thought to be true are false or not exactly the whole truth through the same logical reasoning:

However out of all these possible changes you can be assured of one thing that will not change: The truth will always be the goal this site tries to strive for.)