Your Worldview

Why is it important to have a correct worldview lens?

(Finding the truth)

How do you view the world? When the sun comes up what’s the first thoughts that come into your mind? When you go throughout your day and see conflicts on the radio/ T.V. what do you think about them and why? All the answers you give me point to your worldview.

Your worldview is

How you see the world around you: where it came from and what should be done to solve its problems.[1]

This is basically what a worldview is, most of us have our own unique little worldview that was most likely developed from our parent’s worldview or our friends and as we grow up and gain experience of our own developing our own worldview that we accepted in our thinking. But here’s the serious part your worldview dictates ALL your thoughts, everything you usually do and will do is because of one thing: Your worldview!

Think about this:

13-year-old Christy Heitger-Casbon is a typical teenager in middle school. She wanted to be accepted by her friends and most of all boys. Because of her brother constantly calling her fat and how she envied more attractive skinny girls getting boyfriends. She began to believe that being skinny meant everything in life. Because she was 100 LB and this was considered very fat, she realized something needed to be done to become skinny. Because of her newfound belief she stopped eating snacks, desserts, and eventually even lunch and dinner. She did eventually lose over +17 lb. but she also collapsed in church and almost died from anorexia because of her worldview.[2]

You see the problem?

Now let’s look at a more serious and more widespread Example of how dangerous someone’s worldview can be:

Karl Marx is a typical Jewish-Prussian child in the 1800’s. His parents viewed religion as only a way of keeping tradition and getting what they needed. They believed in religious tolerance not exactly the religions themselves.  Because of his parents believes and because of his parents believes on religion and because of his education he eventually saw all traditional religions (Judaism & Christianity) as nothing more than fairy-tails made to comfort the weak in society. He also began to see the theory of evolution as true:

That everything began with a big band and planets, stars, and galaxies were formed. All life began with a random creation of a cell and that cell formed all living creatures on earth from birds to mammals including humans. Because of this he believed through his studies that humanity was evolving towards a perfect society, that Marx wrote about in his books, he called it “communism”. He because of his new “utopia” idea leaders in powerful nations took hold of communism and forever changed millions of people’s lives.[3]

This is an example of how powerful one worldview can be for humanity. one person's worldview has the power not only to impact his/her life but millions of lives!

Osama bin Mohammed Bin Awad Bin Laden is a royal Saudi that was born to a rich millionaire father and a concubine mother in the 1950’s. Because of his society: His parents, his school, and his friend’s beliefs. as a child he was taught that the world was created by an almighty being known as “Allah”. Allah created all humanity in his image, but many forgot him except for Father Abraham and his son Ishmael, who kept the true religion of Allah there were many prophets of Allah, but all were eventually corrupted from their original meaning, so Allah sent the last prophet to the whole world to speak the final message of truth, his name was Muhammad. Muhammad preached the final proclamation of Allah telling them the holy commands of Allah and his will: to spread this new religion: Islam to the whole world by force, terror, and murder of unbelievers. Because of this worldview Osama Bin Laden tried to become the best Muslim he could:  He fought the soviet infidels off from Afghanistan, spoke against his own government disrespecting the laws/ will of Allah, and finally setting up a secret alliance of training Muslims to take up Allah’s will of killing the unbelievers. Because of his actions millions of people were murdered around western nations. And 9/11: the desolation of the twin towers/pentagon and the murder of millions of Americans/others. It caused millions of deaths in the Mideast and eventually even his own death! All because of his worldview!!![4]

The REAL Danger of Worldviews:

Why the RIGHT worldview is KEY

Now we can see by these examples of real people, how serious and dangerous your worldview can be but…

What can we do about it? Okay so a worldview is a natural part of life you have to believe in something! But yet there are very real things that come with it.

We need not just any worldview we need THE RIGHT one!

Let’s face facts, whatever we choose we will always have “consequences” for our beliefs of some kind but to genuinely answer our questions and pick a worldview that not just to us but the entire world, we need the correct world view!

One that is grounded in truth and science

In order to answer our questions and make sure our actions matter we need to MAKE 100% sure we have an accurate worldview

So how can we do that?



 [A] Merriam-Webster “Worldview”


[B] ScienceDirect “Worldview” by Rik Pinxten 2015



(inactive link) Ignite Your Faith. Christly Helger-Casbon Diary of an Anorexic.


[3] Karl Marx Biography - life, childhood, children, history, school, young, son, information, born, time, year. 


[4] bin Laden Biography.
